This month has been a particularly happy month, however quite busy. We are continuing to grow together in this family unit God has put together for us. There is so much to learn about being a good husband and a good father, and i am so weak, and there are so few who do things right, but God is teaching me, and i am thankful that my parents and grandparents laid a wonderful example, when i doubt im inclined to fall back on what my grandfather or father would have done. That makes me nervous too, because someday Calvin is going to be doing the same thing. Imperfect men trying to be a visible reflection of Christ in this world, at least we are trying. My prayer is always that I would lead my family in the right direction and have wisdom to prioritize everything in the most godly manner. Calvin is growing and developing well. He has started to pretend play by himself, and loves it when we join in. He loves books, and is starting to grow more patient as i read the whole book to him. When he throws a tantrum, he can control his breathing now and stop crying, i really don't know what i am doing but tantrums seem to be the most ungodly thing 1 year olds do, so i don't put up with them. He knows he can always depend on us for love and affection as he needs. I love this boy so much, and i pray he becomes an evangelist and preacher in this country someday. Evangelism We have been handing out verse cards a few days a week as we are able, and calvin loves the walk, my hope is that he remembers these walks and evangelism is a natural part of his faith when he grows older. We came across a street that had several believers on it, because one lady came to faith due to her experience with her haunted house. Im pretty sure that was a divine encounter, she was outside picking leaves off some tree, or we would have never met her, God wanted to encourage us in this thing we do. God works through family is a huge part of this, think of Abraham. I am reminded how important it is for us to continue to share with fangs family. Tracts I know i said i was going to try to get more done this month, and once again ive been slow, but the tract im working on has been getting longer and more complicated too. The God is real tract is going to be great, but it is about twice as long as expected now, so i decided im not going to rush it, i don't need the stress, ill take my time, research well, translate carefully, and do a good job, this is one of those tracts most people will choose to take home. Then i got most of a second tract on child discipline done, and i am brainstorming a tract on evil spirits, mainly because i think a lot of folks here have this kind of experience, and they need to know Jesus has authority. Business My class is going well, and fangs business is doing better this month, things are starting to look brighter. We might have enough money to put one of those portable airconditioners in our bedroom this month, we've been sleeping in the heat for too long. Building I am finally wrapping up the pool table and my work benches, i have the cloth on, and all thats left is glueing up the bumpers, adding the cloth around those, and putting some threaded inserts to fasten them to the sides snugly, and then adding the topper which will be a pingpong table. My hope is that this will be a conversation place, i have some memories of a counselor i saw when i was a boy who would play pool which talking with me, and it works, so hopefully it will create a casual atmosphere where i can engage in evangelism with customers on a one by one basis. Standing and sitting talking, and dropping the "no one is perfect, all people are sinners" line is a bit awkward. Thankyou Thankyou for praying and supporting us, and walking with us as we share the good news of hope in this dark place.
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AuthorMy name is Kaison, my wife is Kritti, our children are Calvin and Abigail, we are a missionary family living in Nakhon si thammarat Thailand for the longhaul. I want to start blogging regularly but pretty sure the posts will be pretty random about things i think are not being covered at all, or family related updates. So follow along and leave a comment, i love comments, thankyou. Archives
December 2024
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