Calvin is doing well, and is educating himself, apparently the boy can read. Now i have been teaching him phonics, but he supprised me when playing with a random word generator, he actually stops at words he feels confident to pronounce, including longer words like toothbrush for example. So i will take advantage of this new skill and teach him to read, and take note that introducing phonics early on is useful. We potty trained him already but now he poops in the potty too, which is just a combination of possitive and negative reinforcement. Fang is doing well, but we are tired and hot, and ready for the weather to get better. Tracts Finally finished the passach tract, but it does need formatted and printed, and uploaded. Also finished the homosexuality tract, but it still needs translated, but that will only take a couple days now that its written. I also outlined a tract on the church, which is an important topic that i seem to have missed. There are a few more ive thought of, but im trying to keep these tracts limited to major topics so that they can be used as guides for topical preaching, to be combined with exegetical preaching. So these are key to my church planting strategy, and will likely be tweeked as needed in the future. Transition I really want to shift from tracts mode to video mode, which is something i have briefly dabled in but i hesitated from jumping in because i lacked the God given faith to do so, but i believe it is time soon. Pray for clarity in this area for me. Also id like to do childrens books. I want some of my videos to be interview style and intendid to ask hard questions, and share real answers to help thais think about eternity. Climbing A guy contacted me about rock climbing a particular root here in nst, and i guess im the only dude around who knows this root who is currently here, so i will be taking him out there tomorrow. Its a great opportunity to share the gospel and talk about important things, because its kind of a dangerous sport, it can make you think about eternity. I like the idea of organizing rock climbing activities as ministry in the future, so pray for clarity for me in this as well. Building I finally finished most of the work bench and added a big end vise onto it. This workbench is made from a single slab top, with logs for legs, and all of it came from the same tree. Its been a huge learning opportunity for me, but more importantly, it gives me a perfectly flat place to plane down boards, and clamp them up to work them. This is part of preparation for what i call the 3rd business, a business that we can teach other believers to do, in order to free them up for ministry. This is also part of our long term church planting strategy and things are moving right along. Conclution This month has been a productive month of writing, building, evangelizing, and preparing for the future. Thankyou to everyone who has stood with us, and who prays for us.
AuthorMy name is Kaison, my wife is Kritti, our children are Calvin and Abigail, we are a missionary family living in Nakhon si thammarat Thailand for the longhaul. I want to start blogging regularly but pretty sure the posts will be pretty random about things i think are not being covered at all, or family related updates. So follow along and leave a comment, i love comments, thankyou. Archives
December 2024
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