It's been a busy month, we just went in to extend my visa, which went well I assume, they asked for even more papers this time. Seems like every time they change what they want, and how they want it. In the old days, Thailand saw the value of missionaries and gave us life long visas, that ended in the 70's however. I may be too hopeful, but if our president plays his cards right, he will also benefit Americans living abroad, returning long term visas and long term residence visas for Americans.
Conversations I don't really know how to reflect my ministry here without showing you, so I guess the best way is to give examples. There are more than these, but It's hard to share everything, and my memory is limited unfortunately. Yesterday I had a very good conversation with my students about the bible, we were looking at a diagram of a castle and talking about the different parts, the draw bridge, the moat, the stable, the chapel, when I explained what a chapel was, they asked more questions, I explained that a chapel is a small church where people come to learn about who God is, and how to properly worship him, its a place where we read and study the bible, the oldest complete book in existence, and the first book to be printed on a printing press, and the first book printed in the Thai script as well. Then they asked what languages the bible was in, and I explained it was in every language, so that everyone in the world could read it. They laughed and seemed to enjoy asking if about if the bible was in this or that language, one student said "is the bible in gibberish too?" and i gave in, "you got me, its not in gibberish, and it should never be" The rabbit with his foot cut off is continuing his usefulness in explaining the silliness of superstitions, we often take turns sharing silly superstitions that people have. I shared how I believe that lucky charms hanging in your cars rearview mirror will likely put you in more danger not less, because you depend on an idol for protection instead of following the lines on the road. I explain that God is a God of order, and He loves those pretty white and yellow lines. Sign production I actually redid the christmas sign for a 3rd time, and nailed the method this time. Printing on normal printer paper, glueing it to the wood, using a roller I made and a sheet of pp plastic to flatten it out perfectly, letting it completely dry, then coating it with several coats of matt lacquer, which really made the colors pop, which looks about like it would if it was printed on photo paper, but it is adhered to the wood perfectly with wood glue. I bought some photopaper sticker sheets for cheap as well, and made some stickers which turned out really really well, which makes me want to go that direction too, and of course the tshirt screens, we decided that now is a good time to start screening shirts and hats and dresses for the bakery. I will make shirts for the kids that say "I am thai, please speak thai with me" as well, because folks like to confuse my boy with broken english, and its taken him a long time to realize that they don't really speak english. I will make lots of other catchy shirts, many with gospel messages, and our bakery shirts will likely have that Jesus quote "I am the bread of life" about never hungering again. I am in graphic design mode recently, so in between doing the kids books, I can work on signs, stickers, and so on. Cans I am nearly finished with my can spinning rock tumbler machine, all the parts ready, only need to assemble. Then I will use up the tin cans saved up from the part decade. Not really as many as you would think, but its a few boxes. In their painted form, and with lids they are super cool and useful, so hopefully I can crank out a lot in a short amount of time, and make a the profit I think I will. I have a method for making wooden and rounded metal lids for them that really help increase their value. But even so, I will be selling them cheap. They are desktop organizers. With one type of can I will be stacking and making them into stools, its a method I tried years ago and it worked well, the stool is lightweight and because there are so many cans, they hold weight easily. The glue hasn't loosened even after 10 years, so I think its a valid way to connect them quickly. I will be making wooden tops for the stools. With old spray cans, paint striper removes the branding, a grinder takes the bottom off quick which is the rounded metal lid for other cans i mentioned earlier, it fits perfect. Then the spray cans can be fitted with a e27 bulb outlet using a plywood insert, and then made into desktop lamps. This is an existing style I have seen a lot, and will be a bit more profitable. Hymnal Still working on it, almost got everything listed out, there are quite a few I want to include. This is the biggest project I have ever attempted for sure, so please pray for my sanity. Next step is to go through an carefully find and remove any doubles which are extremely common when working with hymns, everyone has their favorite version. In the end I would like to include every version of each hymn. I am going for comprehensive but neat. I won't include any hymns from people like Wesley, even though I like some of his hymns, his theology was not solid. If the writer has solid theology, then his songs will reflect that. I hate nothing in church more that getting to that one song that says something stupid or easily misunderstood, and I have to nudge my wife, honey don't sing (she is often quicker than me on this though). Phone My daughter found my phone and dropped it on the floor, so this was an answer to prayer, I was needing to replace the battery, but they have to remove the screen to do so, but since the screen needed replaced anyway, this worked out well. Now I can use my phone with an audio interface to make some recordings, not sure what I will do first or if i will find the time to do so, but it is an option on the table now. Calvin is getting clearer with his speech, so I may try recording some of the songs I have made for kids, having him sing them. Then the graphics for the video will be easy I think. I think I'll focus on audio only for now. Bakery Fang has decided to invest in a different kind of advertisement through a company that has advertised for us for free a few times before, and we have always done well after that, gaining many new regulars. The bakery basically runs off of regulars which is good but also probably means that we are not reaching out and finding the new customers like we should. Advertising on Facebook is not as great as it used to be, so please keep that in mind when you pray for us. Conclusion We have a full plate, lots to do, and I believe this is a blessing. I have a sign on my wall that says "didn't get everything done today? Praise God." Someday we will employ believers, we will have many more customers, we will have a busy shop selling all kinds of things, we will have homeschool groups, and church groups, and rock climbing clubs, and recycle it yourself classes, and youtube channels, and useful books covering a number of topics. It all starts here. Thankyou for supporting us as we move forward.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, hope you and your families have had a wonderful time. We have had flooding which reduced the temperature quite a lot, we were hoping for snow, but its Thailand, maybe next year. Calvin and Abby opened presents on Christmas morning, Calvin got Legos, Abby got Duplos, they both got some cool books, I got some tools, and Fang got an automatic massage machine and a couple stainless steel pans with metal handles she can put in the oven too if she needs to. Calvin also got a Ukulele which i have been teaching myself so i can teach him. I already figured out how to play Amazing Grace, so I think we can do this. His fingers are really small but I think he will get used to it. We had a wonderful Christmas together. Before we came downstairs we read the Christmas story from Luke, and talked a little bit about it. We always did that when I was a kid, and I recommend it. It can be easy to loose sight of the reason for the season.
On a negative note, We were notified that we have to wait 12 more months til we know if my petition for Fang is approved. This throws off our plans, and it means we will have to buy a ticket for Abby as well. Guess we underestimated how much time this can take. You can donate to our travel fund, and that will help us with the extra ticket when the time comes. We trust that it is for the best, and that God has better things planned for us. Perhaps we will celebrate Christmas in America next year. Christmas tree history sign I got everything ready to make the sign, and then found out the transfer paper I was going to use to transfer the images to wood were way old and no good anymore. So I bought some more and they just arrived and appear to be good. I have the perfect sized board and will be able to make a sign that will hang next to the tree explaining the meaning of the Christmas tree. I figure I will continue the habit and make signs and ornaments that help explain things during different seasons. I like using holidays as a means for sharing the gospel. It really becomes a thought provoking thing when everywhere they go and see a Christmas tree, they are reminded of the meaning. I may make signs like this in the shop for sale as well. I am highly considering making things to sell online as a way to jumpstart the 3rd business. This will help me by reducing the number of things i have to make in bulk, because my customer base is bigger. I have long planned on making small things so this works well. Christmas book revision and expansion Working on expanding the Christmas book. Until its done, i just use the pages as a slideshow in class, so its currently useful. Really had planned on having this done, but I have been really busy. Nonetheless, I've had lots of good conversations this Christmas season, more than normal. Reformation hymnal Have been working on the reformation hymnal a little bit everyday, So far the list is massive, and I am not sure how I will ever get it done. Pray for wisdom so that I know how to work towards completing this massive project. Renew shop branding I think I have finally decided on branding for the shop, I want to call it Renew, because the whole theme of the shop are things that have been made new, and of course the gospel message in that is that we need to be made new. From trash to treasure. "Born again home decor", I'm sure we will have fun with the slogans. It won't be too long before I start making things to sell on a regular. Pray for me that I will know how to do this. If we do it right, we will be able to employ other believers, and this will become an additional mission field for us. Thankyou again for everyone who supports us and I really do hope you have a great new year, in Him we can do all things for his names sake. The weather has been amazing this month, finally it started to rain a bunch, and it is nice and cool, our electric bill dropped quite a bit, as we don't need to use the air conditioner as much. Its been great for my productivity, my wife's as well, we are very happy workers when the weather is nice. I had to go to the hospital for a minor surgery, fortunately I believe my insurance will cover it, but while I was there, they put me in a bed next to a couple Muslim guys, and like usual, apart from the usual greeting, I let them start the conversation, but it quickly gave me an opportunity to share some the gospel. I think I made one of them cry, and I'm sure if that's a good thing, but I saw him doing his prayers on the floor after so I hope it is. Pray for these men, one is on his death bed, and is apparently a village chief, though he certainly didn't look it, guess sleeping in a public hospital with a bunch of other people really takes it out of you. I had a lot of time to pray and read, and think, and it was good for me. Before I left, God let me know that is was intentional and that it was him sending me back home. My family is healthy, Calvin's hand writing is getting better, and his logical reasoning is getting pretty good too. Abby is a smarty pants, and has very high emotional intelligence, she is very good at attitude and drama, so while that seems a bad thing, I am certain God will use it for good, and I am thankful for her and he unique personality.
Needs We have what we need for the visa extension and not it sits in the bank for 3 months before we extend the visa, once the visa is extended, we can use the money to buy plane tickets to america, but after our trip, we will need to put it back. We will hopefully be able to put a good portion back from our savings, but every bit helps, so thank you in advance for those who help us in that way. We will probably use something like 4000 dollars for the trip. Here are some things I've been working on: Bilingual Reformed Hymnal System I started this a long time ago but it quickly became too big. I still am able to utilize the work I have already done, but I am approaching it in a different way now. I decided to list out the song writers, and to my surprise there were not actually that many reformed hymn writers. I will dig for more later, and with this manner of organization I can add more later without trouble. But many of the writers wrote many songs, and I mean a lot a lot. I decided to include them all. If the writer is theologically sound, then all their songs are likely to be as well, so more is better. Then after organizing the songs, I will organize the sheet music and midi files for each. Midi files allow others to learn the tune of the songs, many of which will never have been heard before, and second, if a church or small group doesn't have a musician yet, they can just play the file, and set it up automatically. I don't know if this will ever be a thing, but I have led small groups singing songs over YouTube videos, so i think this is a step better. Then we will find all the Thai songs that have already been translated, and then we will fill in by translating one song at a time till there is nothing left to translate. This is a big project, and likely will be ongoing through my children's education, in fact, I imagine it will be a frequent homework assignment for my bilingual children, assignments that incorporate music. Sign making Last year I wrote a small booklet about the meaning of different christmas symbols for kids, I will simplify that even further and make 3 different signs, one for the nativity scene, one for the christmas tree explaining the St. Bonifer story, and one for Santa clause, explaining the st. Nicolas story. I plan on using some printable screening sheets for tshirts, but onto wood that i have prepared. I will try to use 2 sheets wide so that the signs aren't too small. I will vectorize the images to make it look like its been wood burned or laser engraved, just don't tell anyone. Holiday kids books I started working on a book about Squanto, even though thanksgiving is an american holiday, it is also a holiday that the kids will learn about in school, at least my kids who are in English program, so it is an opportunity to share the details behind the story, how God used Squanto to share the gospel with the natives. It is also a good lesson that we should be bilingual multicultural members of society ready to make peace between different peoples whenever we can, and the gospel enables us to do that. I am working on reworking the Christmas book for kids a little as well, tweaking it a bit to make it look better. Papercrete stools 2.0 So my original papercrete stools worked, but they take too long to dry and they compact too slowly because the water doesn't drain fast enough. I have come up with a better system using an oil drum and spacers, and a center piece covered with a plastic sleeve to allow for easy removal. This system allows for quicker drainage, and also allows for easy removal before it is completely dry so that the mold can be used again on a daily basis. I haven't got it completely set up yet, but almost. This system leave the center hollow which allows for quicker drying, a storage space, and less material use, although i don't have a problem with lack of material now. Soup can machine Soup cans are a wonderful modular system, they stack on each other and are compatible across many brands, there are basically 4 sizes of soup can across all brands, and they stack. I make lids for them using 4 sized of hole saws, and that works great, I can make lids from a number of recycled materials very quickly and they look good. Then i paint the cans and they look like something nice. I might add bible verse stickers or vintage stickers of some kind to the cans, or ever spray paint designs using stencils, but the problem i have is even paint dry, so i figure, spray the paint on, but have them on a turner so that they turn until they are dry. I am making it with a piece of scrap wood an old bicycle chain and some gears i got for cheap, and ball bearings so that they rods spin smoothly. I think i can find an old used motor in my storage that turns slow intentionally, and that will be a perfect use for this machine. I might even be able to make it run on my v20 tool batteries. Then the whole thing would be very portable, and i could easily set it up inside a tarp for spraying and have no mess afterwards. Thanks Thank you for everyone who supported me this month, it means a lot to all of us. In time we will see the results of our labor. Its hard work in Thailand, and it really is a long term commitment, but I believe that when God calls, our work is not in vain. Keep praying for us, and for Thailand. We've been sick again this month, lots of stuffy noses and mucus, but are starting to come out of it i think. Other than that, the kids are doing well, and business is okay. I've had some good conversations with people. It's rainy season here now, which is my favorite season here.
Needs My parents have generously given us the money for the plane tickets in advance, which should be the amount needed to extend my visa. After I extend my visa, I can use that money, but by this time next year, I have to have it in there again, so I guess I shouldn't say I am completely in the clear, but we are good to extend the visa, and we have money to use temporarily. Thankyou to everyone who has donated to help us come home for a visit. Here are some things I have worked on this week: Reformation day book for kids Usually I start working on something related to a holiday when that holiday is right on my doorstep. It may take me a year to get that thing done, so I've just accepted that this is ok, but I think I am going to put notifications a month before every holiday I want to prepare for about a month in advance so that I can give myself enough time to get ready. I know that this christmas I want to have a wooden sign finished that sits right under or next to our christmas tree that explains the history of the tree, but if i don't warn myself, it will sneak up on me. Fortunately most of my projects are 1 time projects or almost one time, which is great because growing is easy. That sign can be passed onto my children if i do it right. Regarding the reformation book, I have found that none of my students have even heard of the reformation, which i think is a shame, so this booklet will talk about what the reformation was, and its impact on various spheres of society, including thailand. I may touch on other asian countries like burma, india, and china as well, because the history there is similar and equally interesting. Basically, without the reformation, we'd all be illiterate, we would still be living in the dark ages, and technology would barely exist. But I will end the book on the most important note, the gospel, as given in God's word. 613 levitical laws tract I think this one has been a long time coming. Buddhism has 227 laws that are much stranger and seriously outdated. I think that the levitical laws are good and still good today. I believe this to be the position of the reformers, this is covenant theology. The reformers divided the laws into 3 categories, Moral, ceremonial, civil. Moral being the still standing laws about right and wrong. Ceremonial being mainly symbols of the atonement which were completely fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and Civil, being the legal requirements and penalties under the ancient kingdom of isreal, but which should still be used as an example of the types of laws our governments should pass even today. I find that the problem with this break down is that certain laws lack a place. Particularly dietary laws, sanitation laws, medical laws, etc. So I would add an additional category (hope I'm not being heretical) which would be something like "practical rules" or the like, which are not really ceremonial, civil, or moral, but are still a good idea to practice, especially in light of medical science nowadays. So this tract will break down the laws into each category, with the brief verse mentioning them, and a short description. It will be a good way to explain how Jesus fufilled each and every ceremonial law, even the ones we still partake in like baptism, or the Lord's supper. I will also mention some misconceptions regarding certain civil laws that are often misunderstood, and examples of what laws like those might look like nowadays. I think this is going to be one of those difficult long ones, but it will be good and useful. I have an entire shelf full of these useful tracts now and I do find them useful. Why does God allow bad things to happen to ordinary people tract. Last week I had a new customer who brought his children to study with me, when he came in, we talked a bit, and he came out very directly and said "My wife died last month" and explained later that he is searching for answers now, and sometimes goes into the church to listen and pray, but also sits in temples. He took some of my tracts, but I really wish I would have had a tract like this. He caught me off gaurd, and I really didn't know what to say other than "I'm sorry for your loss", and "I'll pray for you". The reality is that I could really make him angry if I was to talk about where his wife is now, but I think, if done right, that can be helpful. God may be calling his sheep to himself by drawing attention to the scary reality that awaits sinners upon death. That is the direction that the tract should go. Pray that I approach the issue with balance and sensitivity. Papercrete product prototypes So far, my prototypes have gone very well. I managed to make a very large heavy looking but lightweight concrete lighting fixture that is now over my wifes counter. It feels like heavy foam, but is actually papercrete. It looks like cement, which is the look I am going for. It costs slightly less than it would if it were normal concrete because the amount of cement is less. Colorwise, the smallest amount of cement instantly turns the pulp that concrete grey color, function wise, i put enough in there to be solid when it drys, but not so much as to make it heavy. It is essentially like paper mache but with the cement as the binder. I also made a few smaller things, and then finished the inside walls of the cave under the kids treehouse. Almost finished anyway, have a small bit more to do there, then cleanup. That area will be Calvin and Abbys play room i think, and they will be in charge of it. I might put some kind of lock that they control so that they can keep their lego creations in there without worrying about my students raiding it. However, if the kids want, they can allow their friends in. I also made a very large papercrete stool, it is so big, it is still drying out. Now i have an even bigger one drying out as well. These are easy to make, the molds are reusable, and I think they could be a great seller. They are essentially big pillars that are round and tall like stools, but made of about 70-80% paper, so when they completely cure, they are light and still very tough. Because they are easy to make, I will be able to sell them for cheap, making them one of the cheapest things i will sell, and one of the biggest. I may incoorperate slots for boards so that the seat can be a bit more fancy, or they can be stacked to make really big shelves. Some new machines I've working on. Finished my mason jar blender adapter for our blender here. A lot of old blenders have mason jar compatibility, check your blender, you might be surprised, but ours, which is a very standard industrial blender here in thailand with cheap replacement parts available, does not, so I decided to make an adapter. It was a very fun and satisfying project, and I got to use up some old gears I was saving from other broken machines. It works like a charm, and now fang can make smoothies in customers cups without having to wash the blender every time she does it, and we can just serve the drinks in the mason jars that have handles. I also started building a sheet metal roller using some old parts I have, I decided it will double as a melted plastic roller too, so that I can flatten out hot plastic into sheets using the roller on top and the middle roller, and the bottom will be the 2 metal rollers and the middle roller will move downwards to form the bend as I crank the piece around. Metal rollers are expensive, so Its great that I happen to have the parts to make one without spending any money. Shouldn't take too long to put it together either. Another tool to the shop. American Passports for the kids We went to Bangkok and had an interview at the american embassy, it was quick and easy, they basically said I provided more than enough evidence, and there was no need to worry. So within a couple weeks Calvin and Abby had their certificate of declared citizenship, and passports. I am very relieved. Its funny how I don't know how worried I am about something until its over. My wife knows me better than I do in this area I think. Next is Fangs green card interview, which if i understand right, will require an interview, and they will give a temporary green card, and then a long term immigrant visa. It's a pain, but she will still be in a better spot when its all done than i am even after 13 years in this country. They require me to be filthy rich before they will give me a long term immigrant visa or permanant residence. Memory Verse system for kids So i finished the memory verse system for kids. Chat gpt is useless. I found out that it can only give accurate thai bible verses from the version i request, one verse at a time. If i ask for more, it takes the esv and translates it into thai. It is very frustrating, and we had several arguments before I gave up and decided to go back to doing it manually. It took a couple days to redo everything, but then i formatted the verses to fit one verse per page, thai on front, english on back, and gave it a trace the letters font. Now Calvin has plenty of copy work that is systematic enough that it can be shared with other. I will eventually have a worksheet drawer system in the front room where anyone can take worksheets for their kids to work on at home. Need to get the boy writing. Abby seems to know how to hold a pencil already, but Calvin can not, and its frustrating trying to teach him. He is always happy however, and is starting to make some progress. I will have to pdf file on my website soon after I get a cover put on it. Conclusion God is good, and we are blessed to be where we are, to serve and share the good news. Thank you for praying for us, and standing with us. I'm going to try a new format for my newsletter and list out the main things I focused on this month, with a short description. I will give more details in the opening paragraph and the conclusion so that you will know how the family is doing. I will also include the needs paragraph as usual. Every month looks a little different, so this will hopefully help make things easier to follow.
We are doing well, Calvin is getting very good at reading, and has started copying bible verses on the marker board, and tracing words on worksheets. I plan on doing more worksheets soon. Abby is almost ready to walk, but she refuses to let go and go for it. We are waiting anxiously for that moment she lets go and walks. Fang is doing well, business isn't too bad, some days its suprisingly good. Yesterday the shop was full. Needs This month we have received 600 dollars in donations, 500 of which we just used for the kids passport and citizenship declaration fees, so that leaves us with about 2100 left to raise in the next 2 months. Things will be tight after that, and I will need to start raising money for next years visa extension almost immediately because of all the expenses and plane tickets this year, that money will need to be put back. This morning i woke up dizzy and almost fell down the stairs. It was weird, i didn't feel dizzy, but just about took a bad fall. The doctor took my blood pressure and said it was normal, but who knows. I fear there may be something worse, I did pass out last year, and we still don't know why. I also have had pretty bad IBS for the past 3 years, though that is usually in the morning, and when i eat Thai food, fortunately my wife runs a bakery, so there is an endless supply of leftover bread. Please pray we get these issues figured out too, so that this doesn't become another added expense. I am still dizzy, and it hasn't gone away, even after taking the medicine the doctor gave me. I am leaning on my Father to take care of me, uphold me, and help me walk. Its weird to say that in a literal sense. Here are some things I have worked on this week. Logical fallacies for kids I started putting together a book for my students about 10 logical fallacies. I am trying to make every page rhyme. I think its a concept that kids should be fluent in before they get too far in education, that way they have a bit of wisdom diciphering the trustworthy from the untrustworthy. Laws of nature for kids Started a book on various laws of nature that are notable, and should probably be memorized. The main point drawn at the end will be that God is a God of order, and nature obeys. A look into the 10th lunar month festival in southern Thailand Started this one before, but its turned into a lot of work, my son is watching the ghost parade through the window, and I am able to use this book to explain what they are doing, and what the bible says about it in a few verses. It is not like my other tracts, but it should spike interest, the pictures are disturbing as intendid, but I tried to pick examples that were still probably appropriate for kids. PS plastic recycling and Papercrete product prototypes I have been planning a recycling system for a few years now. I have had good experience effectively recycling glass, cans, paper into papercrete items, and HDPE into colorful plastic things like clipboards and door handles. Other plastics like PET and PP will be recycled in an oven with a simple press, into sheets. But PS, and Polystyrene is not best recycled that way, because of the toxic fumes, so its best disolved using a solvant, something you can't really do with the others. Turns out, its way easier than I thought, an oil drum with a very small amount of gas covering the bottom of the barrel, and Pour in the old styrofoam, it disolves rather quickly into a kind of glue similar to rubber cement. 4 rather large bags of styrofoam became 4 oatmeal cans full of glue in an hour and a half. Not too shabby. Now I just have to use up about 7 big bags of paper, and I'm all caught up, for that, i am doing rather large papercrete stools, using a coragated plastic as a mold with some metal brackets from some old buckets around the outside. This is very quick, and then I just let it sit, It takes 1 large bag of shredded paper and half a bag of cement. This whole experiment in recycling is an effort to create products that are unique, and cheap to make, so we can create work for believers. Still feel weird about it, I'm not a tree hugger, and I ain't doing it to save the world from burning up, but it is the direction the Father has lead me, and I have to admit, I am supprised at what I have learned from it. I believe God created us to be resourceful, not wasteful. American Passports for the kids I finally got around to declaring my childrens american citizenship, and applying for their passports. We have a meeting at the american embassy next week. It cost 100 dollars a kid for the declaration, and an additional 135 dollars a kid for the passports, and not to mention travel costs. We opted to travel by train, it was much cheaper, and the kids will like it for the first bit. The train is very slow, but we will bring plenty of activities. The way back we got a sleeper train, so that should make things much better. I am a little nervous, but there is no denying the kids are mine, and when they hear my southern Missouri twang they won't even look at my "proof of american citizenship". Memory Verse system for kids I mentioned before the leveled memory verse system i am putting together. Now I am having Calvin trace the verses on the board in the morning, then he can memorize it, and we will leave it on the board to have my students read it later in class. This feels like we are hitting multiple birds with one stone, which is my kind of thing. Conclusion God has been good to us, and has provided for us. We are blessed to be here on the front line sharing with those who haven't heard, seeking out His sheep. Thankyou for your prayers and continued support, it means a lot to all of us. Hope to see you soon when we come back home to visit. So the termites are back in full swing, so i bought a termite baiting system to trap them, this actually works really well, but takes a little bit of time and I will need to refill the baiting stations until they disappear. The ceiling in my classroom is caving in, but has not quite completely collapsed. I have already jerry rigged half of it to keep it up for now. I talked with the church about replacing the roof or at least repairing large sections of it, and replacing the ceiling, and they asked to guy who replaced the bakery roof last time to give them estimated prices for both. I am hoping for a new roof, because it will be metal frame, and will hold much more weight, and we can use the attick space for storage, or maybe we can convince them to lift the roof a few feet to make an extra room. Please keep this in mind when you pray for us, this location is really a good location for us, and the rent is not too bad.
Calvin's birthday was on the 31st of august and Abby's birthday will be on the 11th of September. We celebrated their birthday together this year. Fang has had some spikes in business this month, and we are hopeful that maybe its a sign that the economy way be bouncing back. It would be nice if we could grow the bakery into a more profitable business. Needs So we said that we needed 2600 last month, and this month, and this month we received 400 dollars in donations. That puts us at 2200, which is looking good, but still a way to go. Thank you so much to everyone who is helping. I should mention that I will need to put the money in my account here before I extend my visa so that I have the full 12000 dollars needed in my account here in Thailand to extend my Thai visa. I am a few thousand short this year, so I am hoping I have enough from donation to put in the account for a couple months, and then we can use that money for out trip to america once I extend my visa here. That deadline is in 3 months. Looking at the amount needed in my Thai account to extend the visa, it falls at the same amount of 2200 dollars, so hows that for coincidence. After all of this is done, and we come back from america, I will have several months to put the money back again, and I'm not sure how that will work, but that is a problem for a future day, and I'm not going to worry about it too much now. I am sure that this trip will set me back a year or so, which is why I haven't been back in what? 13 years or so. It's ok, God has a way, and there is so much to be thankful for, we don't have any credit card debt or bank loans to pay off, we have a vehicle fully paid for now, it works great, we both run businesses that generally speaking pay the bills, my son is smart and eager to learn. I have a ministry that is active, not very successful if we are counting conversions, but active nonetheless, and I am thankful to be entrusted with it. When I start to worry, I count my blessings. Thankfulness is the key to happiness. Writing I have started even more, while I have yet to completely finish any. Great. I started one called Superstitions around the world, which is supposed to be a fun look into various beliefs around the world regarding good and bad luck, especially things regarding safety or good business. There are a lot of crazy things people do. This actually started because of a conversation I was having with my students about the toy stuffed rabbit sitting on my computer, it is missing a foot and looks angry, Americans get it, but it takes a bit of explaining to get the kids to understand. It has actually been a very useful tool to get the kids to take the side of the rabbit. In a Thai context, hanging an idol from your mirror is not going to protect you when you drive, following the rules of the road will. Superstition is silly, but it is also dangerous, and God hates it. That's what this book will be about, both from the angle of things we do to give us good luck, and things to prevent bad luck. By picking fun at american superstitions first, I take any kind of awkwardness away that may feel like I am picking on Thailand in particular. While it is true, a person driving a black car may write "this car is blue" in the back of the car to ward off evil spirits, and this seems a few levels more superstitious than other countries, its not an issue unique to Thailand, and we miss the point if we make it about Thailand. Plus, it has the potential to be a fun educational book. I did finish the last few verses of the level 1 memory verse system, and I'm content with it, so any additional verses will be put in level 2 or 3. Each level has several subcategories, which makes it a little difficult, but not impossible to put together. Now I can go about making it into book form and card form, Thai on one side, English on the other. I rushed this one because Calvin is in a memorization phase, and I want to encourage that and keep it going. Teaching My classes have been good, Calvin is starting to become my mini translator, translating everything I say into Thai. It can be helpful but often he needs to learn to give the other kids a chance to answer first. I tell him he is my little helper, and usually try to spend 5 minutes with him before class to get him in helper mode. He is my best student, he has good posture, and almost always has a good attitude. I am thankful that my child is a good example for the other kids. If he keeps this up, he will live to be an old man. Making This week I build about 6 different molds out of old particle board I had no use for, got it from some shelves someone threw away years ago, and have reused them multiple times already. I will line the molds with a plastic bag when i do papercrete pours so that they stay somewhat dry. I have already painted them a few times. Making good molds is key to being able to make things repeatably with little effort. I will also dissolve a ton of old foam and put that in the molds to create plastic versions. These things will be quick to make, unique, useful, and scalable so I can make more in the future, and the profit should be pretty good too. Conclusion Looking forward to a trip back to America. In the meantime, we will continue making every effort to know God and make him known in Thailand. Thankyou for your continued prayer and support. Hope everyone is doing well, I know I am. My personal favorite part of this update is that my son has started quoting scripture, and I do believe that speaking 2 languages has given him a wonderful memory. I pray that he has a foundation that is unshakable, founded on the word of God, and furthermore that he would be an example to others. Abby has begun to speak, she says peekaboo in Thai from morning til evening she never stops, everytime she sees anyone she peekaboos. She has learned the Thai bow, and greets customers as well. She also has learned to clap. She greeted me with a peekaboo yesterday followed by a bow, and then a hand clap. She also sings what seem to be some kind of made up tune, but its super cute.
Needs I have also petitioned for Fangs green card which will allow her to get a visa. There is a 5 month wait now, but at least its not 10 like we thought before. Then there is another 2 month wait for her visa. Please keep her in your prayers as well. The application cost an unexpected 700 dollars, but with your support that becomes 500. We need 2600 now. Seems like we are moving backwards, but I have to remember that unforseen expenses were always going to happen, even if i didn't see it coming. Thankyou for your support, it helps a lot. Writing Because Calvin has started quoting scripture, i put a lot of work into the scripture memory verse lists, and decided to level them based on how essential they are. Each level will have 100 verses, and they are sorted into categories. So I have level 1 almost finished, I need to add 3 more verses, its going to be hard to pick. I have also spent time this month making a system of essential vocabulary, no more than 100 words per subtopic, but I want a way to teach english more systematically. There are about 150 prepositions in the english language, so i picked the most common and will put pictures with each, and hopefully this will serve as both a flash card system and a clip art system for illustrating the books. Its a bit large right now, and I'm looking at somewhere between 5000 to 50,000 words to organize, so I'll get a system going and every now and then add a subtopic, and hopefully this allows it to grow more naturally. I want this to be something useful for everyone, and available for esl teachers, but also gospel centered, and homeschool friendly. I have continued to work on writing the books, making them rhyme, covering all the important stuff. I also started a practical book for kids, introducing the imperial system of measurement for kids who grew up with metric, and why a base 12 system is possibly better because it divides evenly by 2, 3, 4, and 6. not just 2 and 5. I cover other practical benefits to the imperial system as well, including the benefit of fractions over decimals, and the natural division of sizes that developed over a long period of time. I am reminded that great missionaries build hospitals, printing presses, paper mills, write dictionaries, and more. We should show love in practical ways, so practical topics, creating systems and machines to help with efficiency in the future is needed. Teaching This month I've had Calvin help me in class more. I have him wait to answer, he has had to learn to let the other kids participate first, then when they can't answer, he can. He does well with dramatic pronunciation for the other kids to see. I think he enjoys it quite a bit. He has also been walking around the house quoting bible verses, so when I can, I may ask a student what Calvin is saying, then we can talk about the fruit of the Spirit and what it means to be born of the Spirit and produce fruit uncommon in this world. Making I made a chair with a metal frame I welded up years ago, and its been taking up space, so I painted it with rustolium an milled up some mango boards and placed them in it as a seat, bolted it to the wall out on the side of the house. Hopefully that will be a nice place for the smokers to sit so that the smoke doesn't come inside. Today I need to do some concrete grinding on the pillars in front so that the neighbors gate will open all the way when we want to open the gate between out houses. Shouldn't take long, just need to remove about half an inch. The neighbors have a music school, so it would be nice if we can get that gate to open right, and when they are open at the same time we are open, their customers can walk strait into our house from theirs. The owner of that school is friends with Fangs older sister and he proposed that i do this a long time ago, but I haven't got around to it. Conclusion Whatever I do, I'll do it for the glory of God, both while acknowledging God in my work, but also working towards the expansion of the gospel in every direction. I pray that an extra door open means something. I hope that is true for all my work. Thankyou for your prayers and support. Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. Its been a busy month, but a productive month i think. Abby is growing quickly, crawling all around the house, screaming frequently, and she even sings and dances when we sing. She is also very good at throwing tantrums, but we have a few methods for handling that, and usually that puts her to sleep. Calvin has decided he loves rock climbing, and has mastered the use of chalk, which is what i really hoped for, I'm kind of surprised how he just all of the sudden decided he was a professional climber. He manages to put his entire body weight on a small 2 or 3 finger hold, which looks very difficult, but i guess he is little. I have been encouraging him big time with that. Recently i started shredding and drying old bread to blend in the blender and reuse as recycled flour, Fang has found several things that this works really well with, including a certain pancake recipe she is not sharing with me. She has been doing ok this month, better than last, so that's good. I have been testing whether i have a b12 deficiency, and i think i do, so I've been taking vitamins, and they seem to help me a lot, coffee has a much bigger kick, and last night I even had a hard time getting to sleep, which is rare for me if there is nothing particularly troubling on my mind. So I can reduce my coffee now, and I will try to shift to natural b12 if i can afford it, by increasing red meat consumption... Starting with beef jerky, say no to chips, say yes to jerky. I have been working on applying for Fangs green card this month, which has taken quite a bit of money and time so far, getting everything "officially translated" is both expensive and annoying, because i have to correct every single document translated myself, then have the "translator" put their official stamp on it, and pay them way too much money for that. Oh well, its done, and i have saved them for future use, if ever the need may rise again. Calvin and Abby now have their Thai passports, and as soon as we get an appointment for fang, we will make an appointment for them too, to get their american passports, then they will be like spys, with multiple passports they switch on the plane before landing.
Needs After accounting for generous donations last month, we now need 2100 dollars. We are thankful for all who are praying about giving. We trust God will provide. Thanks again for your support. Writing This month I have written quite a bit, and have also went back and rewritten started reworking some books as well, I have decided to try to make the books rhyme, which is something I quite enjoy doing, and my son enjoys it as well. I think the number of children's books covering historical events is shockingly low too, so i have started that direction as well. I'm trying to stay focused, but I also want to cover all the bases. Golden rule of teaching: Treat other peoples kids as you would treat your own kids, minus the spankens. I didn't do much in the way of illustration, but did come up with a new illustration technique that will likely save me time, so maybe ill have time to work on that next month. Teaching I have divided my classes into groups by level now, I have done this before, but the lines get blurred, so i have reworked them, and now things work smoothly, and I can teach at a consistent speed in each class without hopping around too much. I had a few very successful conversations using a book I am calling Jesus is my Hero, where we talk about what happens after death, and how Jesus rolls in to save the day, all for the Glory of God who created this world. It seemed to click, which means I think i got the balance right without taking too much time on each part. Making I build a wall mounted log vise which allows me to slice one end off a log making one end straight, before I take it to the bandsaw to resaw. There are jigs all over the internet, but i've never seen one like this, and I'm convinced it is the best because of the time saved. I also made some more lights for fangs room, they are 90% done, but i don't have to cord yet, so they will probably sit for now. I refinished the old wooden doors on the house and made some improvements so they don't get dirty next time i mix my papercrete. Conclusion We've made progress, and will continue to work hard. Thank you for praying for us, and supporting us. Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. This month has been stressful, but has ended very nicely. I got covid from one of my students, this is my second time, I had a small fever and lots of mucus, but it really wasn't bad, Calvin and Fang had similar symptoms, but Abby of course gave us a scare, this was her first fever, and we were relieved when she was herself again. The weather has cooled off dramatically as well, and fang has had lots of customers on weekends, and we got the very expensive electric bill paid early. I got a better electric valve installed for the sprinklers on the roof, which will cool the house more, and will reduce the electric bill dramatically. I figure we save 40-50 usd on electricity by shooting 6 dollars of water on the roof every month. The water drains off onto a wall that is lush with vines and moss now, which we like. Lots of very interesting birds have made their home next door recently, not sure if its the water, or the worms from the compost or both, but its nice.
Yesterday a new friend of mine came to visit, he is thai, but has spent 25 years in america, while he was there, he became a christian. He found my paul washer video that me and a few friends had subtitled, and on my website he found out i was in nakhon si thammarat, his hometown, so when he and his wife and children flew here to visit their relatives, they planned to come visit us too, so he told his father that he was going to visit me, and his father being the southern thai, overly playful, far too direct type of guy (like my father in law) said "whats this american's name, maybe i know him" which of course is highly unlikely, but he did know one american, who teaches his granddaughter english, so to both of their supprise, it was me. So God is at work in this families life, and I shared with him for quite a while when he came to visit, how i have been sowing seeds of truth into his neices life. So pray for this family, and pray for my new friend, he is considering returning to nakhon after 25 years in america, and is waiting for the lords direction. I told him that I would be much more comfortable doing a church plant if we have a plurality of elders, especially being a foreigner. So who knows what the Lord is cooking up. If Teen comes back home and says he wants to plant a church at the same time, we are going to have to make it offical, that may be a bit hopeful, but i can dream right? I am planning a trip to bangkok to do all of the paperwork needed for our trip, so that we can begin to look at airfare. Its looking to be quite a deal, but I will be super relieved when my children have u.s. passports, and my wife has a permanent u.s. visa that she can use forevermore. Please keep us in your prayers with regard to our trip. Needs Citizenship declaration and Passports for the kids- 500 dollars for both kids Visa for fang- 265 dollars for a type k immigrant visa (Which is a permanant visa, so the cost will be worth it) Flights 3000 for 3 people 2 ways, Abby will sit on our laps. Thats almost 3800 dollars when you add everything up. And that's assuming we get good prices on airfare. We currently have raised 850 of that. This is not including the regular monthly support I get from a particular supporter, however, when i am finished showing my money for my visa here for my visa extension, then i can use that money from that account for this as well. Currently that amount is 750 dollars, which does help, but I need that money for ministry expenses, and visa extensions, so i can only borrow that money from that account temporarily, but will have to put it back before next year. Basically i can use next years money for this years furlough, but it puts me in a stressful position next year. But after that is included in the amount, i will still need 2200 dollars at least. Every little bit helps, and we've managed to raise quite a bit already, but we still have a ways to go. If you would like to support us, you can send me a private message and I will respond with how you can donate. Thank you. Writing I have continued to work on the childrens books, adding more as I can, i put in the time every day. I have also made strides in illustration methods with the software i am using, which will save time in the end. A friend here shared that missions is a marathon not a sprint, and we should pace ourselves, doing what is needed to stay. I fully agree, and it hit home. I run 3 kilos on monday, wednesday, and friday, mainly for health, but it makes for really awesome prayer and worship time too. Running is a great way to embody the frustration and stress that comes with missions, and then to recognize the great reward, yes, temporary endorfins, but more importantly, my heart and mind are strong, and those tater tots my wife makes me probably won't kill me. Missions, and the christian life in general is the same kind of long term investment, temporary pain, some temporary enjoyments that don't seem worth the pain, but followed by an eternity of joyful returns. If this life now is for me, and afterwards there is nothing, this would never be worth it. But we will receive our reward. We will run painless victory laps on streets of gold. So all that to say, i am keeping it steady now, this is a marathon. I put a little time into the writing, a little into homeschooling, a little into building a workshop, a little into fixing up the house for my mrs., a little into physical fitness, and possibly most importantly, a little time each day into time with my King. I have a bit of wall art in Calvin's bedroom i drew with a piece of chalk before Calvin was born that reflects this concept. Teaching I've organized my students into 3 groups by level, and created new rules for myself on how I will interact with the students in different levels. I will use Thai to explain almost everything in the beginners group for example, and will allow students to use Thai to occasionally talk about the meaning of things, but will teach them how to use english to define words, so that by the time they get to the intermediate group, we can use english as our primary language of communication, and the student isn't completely lost. The last group is Fluency, and it is very satisfying to say that within only a few months, at least one of my students has gone from complete beginner, unable to say much in english at all, to now, i am considering bumping him up to advanced. I really do enjoy teaching, and I enjoy helping to encourage a spirit of creativity and curiosity in each of my students. By the time they disappear, they will not only speak english fluently, but will leave with a basic understanding of the gospel and the human condition, (as well as other things they won't get it school) Making I took my mouse apart and modified it to stop it from clicking when i scroll. I don't recommend trying it at home, if you do, the risk is busting the little clicker off its circuit board when you bend it out to flatten the bump with a pair of pliers, but it worked, and it has already increased the efficiency of my work. That combined with the bible app getting an update that makes mouse scrolling work properly again. I also built a menu stand for fang using a few new techniques, a countersunk bolt with a threaded insert, edge banding, and the legs are actually a branch that split into 3 branches. I sanded it all down and finished it nicely, and it matches the look of the place. It didn't take long to make, so i am getting faster which is important. Conclusion We're working hard to share the truth in a place where it is seldom heard, we are working to provide for ourselves and hopefully others too as we grow. Thank you for standing with us as we move forward together. This weekend our place was swarming with people, and I just thought of all the potential this place has to plant a seed here, and there. Please pray for us, that doors would continue to be opened, and that we would boldly speak, and that they wouldn't freak out and vanish... which happens sometimes, and its bad for business, and its frustrating, its all about balance, and y'all know me, I ain't tickling no ears, ill be honest. Pray for wisdom for me in learning the ropes here, cause i'm still learning. April is always such a difficult month for us. It is hotter here than i have ever experienced in my entire time here. Water straight from the faucet is usually cool even in the hot season, now its so hot you could boil an egg, it gets a bit better in the mornings and evenings, but its hot here. They turn off the water for a few hours during the day to conserve. On top of the heat, Students are on vacation, so i have to live on 30% of my regular income, and Fang suffers just as much or more. On top of that, we close shop for a few days due to a holiday, and then we clean house, getting ready for our observation of the Lord's Supper. Its a time when we go without leavened bread, and reflect on the hidden sin in our life, and the meaning of the Passover Lamb. Like the Israelites who left the comforts of Egypt and entered into the hot desert before they could enter the promise land, we are reminded that this world is not our home, we are just passing through, but praise God, Christ has made a way through the desert, and has prepared an eternal place for us. Its good to teach my son the meaning of these things, he participates with so much enthusiasm.
Writing I've been working on the same set of books, writing and refining, planning, researching, preparing the artwork, and checking with Calvin to test the simplicity of the books. Teaching Many of my students are on vacation this month, but with the students that do come i am busy teaching and taking every opportunity to water the seeds planted. Making I added a few tie downs to the inside of the suv so i could strap in the water jug when we go fill up. Other than that, not much this month. However, i have spent time planning how a future business making things might work. Started organizing a sort of portfolio. Needs We are still in need of funds for our trip back home next year. Right now we have raised about 800 of the 4000 we need to raise. This is including airfare and passports for our children, but is not yet including expenses when we are in the States. If you would like to support us, shoot me a message, and i'll give you a few ways you can donate. Thankyou to everyone who prays and supports us. |
AuthorMy name is Kaison, my wife is Kritti, our children are Calvin and Abigail, we are a missionary family living in Nakhon si thammarat Thailand for the longhaul. I want to start blogging regularly but pretty sure the posts will be pretty random about things i think are not being covered at all, or family related updates. So follow along and leave a comment, i love comments, thankyou. Archives
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