April is always such a difficult month for us. It is hotter here than i have ever experienced in my entire time here. Water straight from the faucet is usually cool even in the hot season, now its so hot you could boil an egg, it gets a bit better in the mornings and evenings, but its hot here. They turn off the water for a few hours during the day to conserve. On top of the heat, Students are on vacation, so i have to live on 30% of my regular income, and Fang suffers just as much or more. On top of that, we close shop for a few days due to a holiday, and then we clean house, getting ready for our observation of the Lord's Supper. Its a time when we go without leavened bread, and reflect on the hidden sin in our life, and the meaning of the Passover Lamb. Like the Israelites who left the comforts of Egypt and entered into the hot desert before they could enter the promise land, we are reminded that this world is not our home, we are just passing through, but praise God, Christ has made a way through the desert, and has prepared an eternal place for us. Its good to teach my son the meaning of these things, he participates with so much enthusiasm.
Writing I've been working on the same set of books, writing and refining, planning, researching, preparing the artwork, and checking with Calvin to test the simplicity of the books. Teaching Many of my students are on vacation this month, but with the students that do come i am busy teaching and taking every opportunity to water the seeds planted. Making I added a few tie downs to the inside of the suv so i could strap in the water jug when we go fill up. Other than that, not much this month. However, i have spent time planning how a future business making things might work. Started organizing a sort of portfolio. Needs We are still in need of funds for our trip back home next year. Right now we have raised about 800 of the 4000 we need to raise. This is including airfare and passports for our children, but is not yet including expenses when we are in the States. If you would like to support us, shoot me a message, and i'll give you a few ways you can donate. Thankyou to everyone who prays and supports us.
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AuthorMy name is Kaison, my wife is Kritti, our children are Calvin and Abigail, we are a missionary family living in Nakhon si thammarat Thailand for the longhaul. I want to start blogging regularly but pretty sure the posts will be pretty random about things i think are not being covered at all, or family related updates. So follow along and leave a comment, i love comments, thankyou. Archives
December 2024
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