Hi everyone, this is my update for this month, what we've been up to, and plans for next month. Thankyou for keeping us in prayer, and for your continued support.
Family We are doing very well, have had some hickups with the inlaws, but things should be back to normal before long. Calvin is growing stronger everyday, and I can honestly say i haven't been this happy since i was a kid myself. Calvin has ichy skin, so we are testing now to see if he has alergies to something or if its just the hot room he naps in during the day, so pray he is not lactose intolerant, i would hate for him to miss out on all that yummy pizza his momma makes. I let him sit in class with me while i teach, he behaves so well its strange, reacting with curiousity to every object i use in class, while not being too distracting to the other students. My hope is that he becomes so accustomed to this small group learning environment that he never misbehaves in class, then i can set up a class for him to teach later when he gets a little older. His attention span and patience seems to range between 30 minutes to an hour and a half on a good day that he gets his fill before class. We are still doing morning worship, and he is still loving it, some days he makes sounds like he wants to sing along. Business Fang is inching towards needing to hire someone, slowly and surely. When we do, things might be tight until we start to sell more due to making more, and being able to take more orders, and make things quicker. Its a jump we need to make, but its frustrating trying to figure out when to make it. Pray for wisdom. The bakery continues to be a place we can chat with customers and form relationships that lead to gospel centered discussion. We just found out that a couple we talk to got married at the local church here, i think they rented the place, but are not christian, maybe his family is. We will ask them about it next time, and then plant some seed. The bakery is a perfect place for this kind of casual daily evangelism. I also got a couple new students, including a son of a doctor who was in the room calvin stayed in when he was first born. (when they thought he might have breathing problems). She was happy to see Calvin was doing so well. Tracts I finished a card set, which is available on our website, you can see it under the card tab here in a day or 2 when i get it uploaded. they are verses which do the best to summarize the gospel in one verse. The idea being that even though it is short, they will read it, and will understand the gospel to some degree. These are convenient to hand out, and have our business card on the other side as well, so anyone can contact us. I also got most of the islam tract done, 90% written, all thai quran references put in, only thing left is to add scripture, translate explainations, and finish the last bit about the marks of a cult. I will finish this tract next month, then start on some less challenging tracts. Building Still not done with that side area i wrote about before. I mixed concrete with my bare hands and got serious burns. They are mostly healed now, and i did get most of the concrete work done, just a little bit more brick laying, add an access door, a vent with mosquito netting, add the window, and pour the counter. Then fang wants me to paint the inside to make it look pretty. I might be done soon, then all the big machines go in that area, and the bakery on the inside will be neater, and less cluttered… also no gagging on deep fryer fumes. Thankyou again for your continued prayer and support. If anyone wants to visit anytime, our doors are always open, just send us a message and let us know.
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AuthorMy name is Kaison, my wife is Kritti, our children are Calvin and Abigail, we are a missionary family living in Nakhon si thammarat Thailand for the longhaul. I want to start blogging regularly but pretty sure the posts will be pretty random about things i think are not being covered at all, or family related updates. So follow along and leave a comment, i love comments, thankyou. Archives
December 2024
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